Parts washers – how to choose one? How to choose tyre service and car repair tools

Working at a car/tyre service means loads of dirt. Be it dirt from the tyres, engine liquids or even grease – all that means dirt. What to do about this?

When you consider hands or floor, it’s relatively easy to clean these. However, when it comes to tools or parts dismounted from the car, it becomes way more difficult. And many a time cleaning these is just essential to continue work. That’s when parts washers come in handy.

How does it work?

The bath is the most important part of the washer. This is where you put the dirty tools or parts dismounted from the cars. There is a special tap-like part that spills the solvent onto the parts located inside the bath. The solvent goes under pressure, which softens dirt really quickly and effectively. This means, removing the dirt is much easier. If they do not fall off under pressure, you can remove them manually, using a rag for instance.

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Parts washers – when are they useful?

They are a perfect choice for cleaning elements like:

  • service tools,
  • wheel bearings,
  • engine parts.

What solvent for part washers?

Always check what the manufacturer says about it. Most products available on the market are non-agressive, odor-free solvents. Their contents make it easier to remove chemical debris – wax, grease, etc.

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