5 ways to heat up your outdoor winter party.

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5 ways to heat up your outdoor winter party.

By emily.bailey

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

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Winter party ideas | Schlage

Winter party ideas | Schlage

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You don’t have to quit having backyard parties and outdoor dinners just because the temperatures drop.



Summer is over, so it’s time to pack up the grill, stow away the patio furniture and bid farewell to outdoor fun for the next few months. Or is it? You don’t have to quit having backyard parties and outdoor dinners just because the temperatures drop. Keep the outdoor entertaining hot with these five tips.

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Winter porch with cozy chair and warm drinks

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1. Set the stage for a grand soiree.

Get your deck or patio ready for winter by fixing any protruding nails and lose boards. You can also weather-seal your deck to protect it from impending snow and rain.

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Once you’re structurally sound, get the décor in order. Potted plants like evergreens or winter rose that do well in low temperatures, holiday garland and haybales that double as seating are just a few outdoor party decoration ideas. And consider updating your door hardware while you’re at it to spruce up the entryway, even if it’s for the back deck.

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2. Warm your guests from the outside-in…

If you can safely install a firepit in your yard, this is the perfect opportunity to do so. Not only will it help keep guests warm, but you have the perfect opportunity to roast hotdogs or make s’mores for warm eats. Few things are more welcoming than a toasty roundup of your closest friends around the fire.

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If a firepit isn’t in your future, investigate outdoor space heaters like you often see on restaurant patios.

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3. … and the inside-out.

If you can safely install a firepit in your yard, this is the perfect opportunity to do so. Not only will it help keep guests warm, but you have the perfect opportunity to roast hotdogs or make s’mores for warm eats. Few things are more welcoming than a toasty roundup of your closest friends around the fire.


  • Be prepared to use extra fuel. Your grill will use more in cold temperatures, regardless of whether it’s charcoal or gas.
  • Keep the grill lid closed or prepare to wait a very long time to eat. Get a meat thermometer that you can run from inside the grill to where you can see it without letting heat escape.
  • Tuck scarves inside your coat so the ends don’t get caught in the flame. And use grilling gloves instead of fuzzy mittens for safety.

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Help guests wet their whistle with some warm drinks as well. Hot chocolate, warm ciders or mulled wines are always popular. You can always create a self-service bar for partygoers to mix their own concoction, much the way you would lemonade and cocktails in the summer.

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4. Set a moonlit mood

Because it gets darker earlier, winter backyard parties are perfect for playing with dramatic lighting. Twinkle or string lights are always gorgeous mood-setters as are candles. For something a little different and perfect for the season, try a DIY ice lantern.

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5. Snuggle up

Take a cue from those carriage rides and provide your guests with plenty of warm, snuggle-worthy blankets. HGTV.com also suggests layered rugs to protect feet from the cold seeping up from the ground. And if you want to go a step further, combine cozy with generous by gifting guests with slippers, mittens or handwarmers they can use at the party and take home as a party favor.

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Want more? Find backyard entertaining ideas based on your party style on our blog. Then share your winter partyscapes with us on Instagram.


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