When & How to Move Out of Your Parents’ Home | Guide by Fantastic

One small step for man, one giant leap towards your maturity. This is what moving out of your parents’ house is. Some are scared of the very thought that they will have to do it one day, others can’t wait! And for the third ones, the time is now.

Making this “giant leap” can be daunting and quite hard if you’re not prepared. So, to make it easier here is what you need to know and do before you finally move out of your parent’s house.

This post is for all of you who:

  • Have decided it’s time to move out of your parent’s home;
  • Want to know what to expect and how to prepare for the big move.

When can you legally move out in UK?

As a troubled teen, you often wonder how old do you have to be to move out, like you are going to hit that number and be gone the same day. Sixteen is how old you have to be to move out legally. However, give that a good thought!

Where are you going to live as a 16-year-old with no stable income? Even if you have a job and you can afford rent, most landlords will turn the offer down because of your age.

In addition to age, however, there are various other factors that can also play a role when deciding when to move out of a parent’s home. So, let’s dive deeper into it.

What is the average age to move out in the UK?

The average age to leave home in the UK is roughly 27 years. These are the statistics from recent years. However, the situation with the pandemic and its aftermath will likely change these statistics for the upcoming years.

How to know when is the right time to move out

There is no universal magical point in everybody’s lives when they have to move out. It is a bit different for everybody, it has some personal characteristics involved, and money, of course. Everyone is a bit different and the capabilities of the families differ. There is nothing shameful about that! Some can move out at 18, others at 24, or even 16.

The goal here is to move out of the nest at the best possible time. If you rush it and move too early, there is a chance you will fail. That will make your next attempt harder. However, if you push this too far in time, there is a slim chance that you’ll get way too comfortable and stagnant, putting it off forever.

Common signs that it may be time to live on your own

So, here are a couple of conditions that will give you a hint that it may be time to move out:

  • You are travelling way too long a distance to your work;
  • You want to go out but you fear the comments of your parents afterwards;
  • Your partner can’t sleepover at your house;
  • Your parents are starting to dig into your personal life way too much.

Those are just some of the more common reasons why people decide it’s time.

The first time most of us are away from our homes is when we move out to Uni. This is an ideal training ground for future adults. You will most likely have roommates there, your parents will probably still send you some money, and the rent is not that bad. But if you can pass through Uni with flying colours, you are almost ready for life on your own.

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Think of the pros and cons of moving out of your parents’ house

The benefits of moving out of your parents’ house are many. Most importantly, it is the biggest step towards your independence. You are now free to live the life you want, the way you want to. You make every decision towards food, laundry, waking hours, music type and volume. There won’t be anyone for you to comply with. You are the boss now!

Benefits of moving out of parents’ house

The way other people see you is changing as well. You are now an independent young person, you can take care of yourself on your own! All of a sudden, you seem much more trustworthy.

Another sweet spot is the level of privacy if you have decided to move on your own, of course. You can finally call in some friends for drinks or invite your crush over, without fear of what your parents would say.

  • Self-esteem boost – Once a couple of months pass and you are still alive and well, you start to realise you can do this. You can do even better! Your confidence will increase, and rightfully so. Dealing with day-to-day problems and coming on top of it all is challenging.
  • More space for you – Living on your own means that you decide how you will decorate the place and where everything goes. This will give you a chance to represent a piece of your own identity through the way your place looks. It’s something that you simply can’t do at your parents’ house, at least not on the scale you can do it now.
  • Free time – You can have dinner whenever you want, and you can do anything whenever you want! Now, that you are living alone, you can plan your days without thinking about anyone else’s schedule and plans.
  • Privacy – You will appreciate the privacy of your own place to live in, especially if you have smaller siblings.
  • Your house, your rules – You are finally fully independent! No more house rules for you to follow, you are the one setting the rules now. It could be strangely relieving to know that you can sleep in till the late afternoon, and no one will even mention it.

Drawbacks of living away from home

Everything has its pros and cons. There is no yin without yang, so here are some of the cons of living away from your parents.

  • Budget hiccups are dangerous – Budget injections are not as easily available. If you need some extra cash, you will have to reach towards your savings. Your parents are not obligated to pay any utilities at your new spot.
  • All the chores – Wait, what?! You are not a kid anymore, you are an independent adult. How come you get chores? Well, that is simply because there is no one else to do them for you. And you won’t have to take care of just a couple of chores either, now they are all waiting on you. Laundry, cooking, dishwashing, cleaning, shopping, and others. They are all time and energy-consuming tasks that you will have to incorporate into your daily routine.
  • Loneliness – If you are moving out alone, you might have a couple of lonely nights. Especially in the first few weeks. The lack of anyone to talk to and share with could get a bit overwhelming. Unless you are moving out with a significant other or a group of friends, you will have plenty of alone time, without a doubt. This loneliness is one of the main reasons why you may feel sad about moving out of your parents’ house.

Talk it all out with your parents

If there is a reason beyond just you growing out of the family cocoon, you should talk to your parents about it. It may be an easily resolvable issue that will win you more time to save up, and your parents will have their beloved child stick around a bit longer.

Once you have decided the day has come for you to move out, you will have the heavy burden of telling your parents. For some, it comes as wonderful news, but other parents take it a bit harshly. Nevertheless, you should be straightforward with them and share your plans step by step. Think it through together, prepare together and then act.

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How to easily move out of your parents’ home

Some may say that once you make your decision, half the work is done. However, this is partially true. On one hand, you may feel relief that you know what you want to do, but on the other, there is a lot more to consider and do before you can actually start living on your own. Here are tips that can help get organised faster.

1. Plan everything well

When planning your first move out of your parents’ house, account for every possible scenario. You need to make a couple of key decisions:

  • Living alone or splitting the rent – You can go for a smaller property and live on your own, or you can find a bigger spot that you could rent with friends. Make sure you pick your roommates carefully! If one of them has a change of heart and leaves unexpectedly, the rest of you will be left with higher bills.
  • Where should you live – Choose a good spot for your new place. You don’t want to be too close to home, but you don’t want to be too far either. Pay attention to the average rent prices in the given area and the job opportunities nearby.
  • Bare minimum – What is the bare minimum of appliances and furniture that you need to live normally? Establish this for yourself and see what you can take with you on your move, and what you can afford to buy new. It might be best to look for a furnished place, for starters.
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2. Check out the property market

So, you have taken a firm decision to move out? You have chosen where you want to live and with whom? Great! But there are still a couple of steps you need to take before your relocation. Get familiar with the market in advance, so you don’t overpay once you start looking for a place. You will need to calculate an average rent fee, to save up anyways.

3. Figure out how much money you will need to move out

It depends on what your plan is. Are you buying your own place right away? Are you renting out first?

Whatever the case is, you will need some cash to start with. For renting you will need around three times the rent of your chosen property. On top of that, you will need to save the so-called safety cushion deposit.

You should have a money cushion (two monthly pays) for yourself, so you can stress less when expenses pop out of nowhere. Those funds shouldn’t be spent on anything else.

Your rent should be around one-third of your pay. Advisers often give this tip to people who are looking to rent a place. You can take your annual pay to calculate an average and set for properties with rent around ⅓ of your pay. This way you will have equal portions of your paycheck dedicated towards rent, utilities, and food.

The sum that you will need depends on the average rent in the area you have chosen. Think this through and if you expect a pay raise, don’t include it in your calculations, just for now.

If your average monthly pay is “X”, you will need roughly five times that to attempt moving out for the first time.

Can you move out of parents’ house with no money?

There may be budget options out there for those willing to sacrifice different comforts. However, it won’t surprise anyone that moving out with no money at all is hardly possible.

Of course, if you have a friend or relative who you can stay with until you save up, then you might be able to move out with almost no funds. But then you will probably have to sleep on the couch and stress over getting a job as soon as possible. This may push you into taking a job that is not well-paid or suitable for you at all.

So, although you can attempt to relocate from your parents’ house to a friend’s or relative’s, it is still best if you have some money in savings and a job that pays enough for your goals.

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4. Save enough money

It may get a bit old, but if you think you can just get your last pay and move out, think again. Make sure you have enough cash to get you through at least two months (after you have paid your deposit and moving expenses). This way you will have less to stress about during those first months away from home.

5. Set up a budget to follow

It is of utmost importance for you to start following a strict budget. The first couple of months could be hard for you and most people fail on the “money” side of things. Make a budget and try to follow it before actually moving out. If you fail to meet your goals, there won’t be an actual landlord involved. You can try this while saving up for your renting fees and “money cushion”.

6. Organise your move

You are not obliged to take all of your stuff on a single trip, so you can relocate in phases. This will further ease the process. You can also use the help of friends and family. If you are in a hurry and you want to take everything with you on a single trip, you may want to consider professional packing and removals services.

If you need any help with relocating, the professional movers at Fantastic Services do it all! Check out all the services we offer for you!

Learn More

What to do once you move out of your parents’ home?

  • First of all, don’t stop calling and seeing your family as often as you can. This will help them accept the fact that you are self-sufficient and it will help you fight off homesickness.
  • Follow your pre-set budget. Even if you are doing well, don’t splurge on things you don’t need.
  • Carefully read the agreement with your landlord, and keep in mind that you have paid a deposit that you will want back once you decide to move again.
  • Be careful not to skip utility or rent payments. You don’t want to leave a bad impression from the get-go.
  • Try to help out your neighbours as much as you can. This way, they will be more likely to share some insights about members of your new small community or the area you live in. Not to mention that people look at young newcomers differently.

The Fantastic professionals can help for a smooth move-out

Moving out for the first time can be scary and a real hassle. If you want to make things easier for yourself and take some load off your shoulders, you can turn to professional movers. Having one less thing to worry about – like transporting your belongings – means you’ll have more time to plan your life as an independent adult.

Need help with relocating?

Fantastic Services got you covered from point A to B.

Need help with relocating?


  • Make sure you save enough money to pay the rent;
  • Make a “cushion fund” for unexpected expenses;
  • If you can’t bear the costs alone, search for suitable roommates.

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